A Word Fitly Spoken is a weekly podcast on biblical issues by Amy Spreeman and Michelle Lesley. Our title comes from Proverbs 25:11 – A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. This verse represents well what we want this podcast to be. We want to offer you words fitly spoken – godly, biblical words that are just right for the moment. And while those words that we offer may be a good, nutritious snack, like a golden apple; and pleasantly presented in a basket of silver, it’s not the milk and meat and bread of a well-balanced spiritual diet that can only come from studying the Word yourself, prayer, and the teaching and fellowship you can only get from being a faithful, serving member of your own local church. We hope you’ll enjoy “snacking” on the Word with us during the week and feasting with your church family on Sundays.
A Podcast By Michelle Lesley and Amy Spreeman
Recently, there have been two glaring instances of theologically conservative, Reformed Christians welcoming in false teachers, introducing them to their audiences, and, by doing so, essentially giving them their seal of approval. And they’re not the only ones. This kind of thing happens all the time with high profile Christians, parachurch ministries, and churches. We’ll […]