A Word Fitly Spoken is a weekly podcast on biblical issues by Amy Spreeman and Michelle Lesley. Our title comes from Proverbs 25:11 – A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. This verse represents well what we want this podcast to be. We want to offer you words fitly spoken – godly, biblical words that are just right for the moment. And while those words that we offer may be a good, nutritious snack, like a golden apple; and pleasantly presented in a basket of silver, it’s not the milk and meat and bread of a well-balanced spiritual diet that can only come from studying the Word yourself, prayer, and the teaching and fellowship you can only get from being a faithful, serving member of your own local church. We hope you’ll enjoy “snacking” on the Word with us during the week and feasting with your church family on Sundays.

A Podcast By Michelle Lesley and Amy Spreeman
Today we’re going to “talk back” to an online event called Gather25, created by IF:Gathering’s own Jennie Allen. Why? To warn you about it so you can warn your church and your loved ones away from it, because it’s coming up very quickly: February 28 – March 1. It’s an event you’ll definitely want to […]