At its core, Credo Magazine strives to be centered on the gospel, confessing the substitutionary death and historical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of sinners. In doing so, Credo Magazine not only draws upon the historic creeds and confessions of the faith, but especially the great pillars of the Reformation: sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, and soli Deo gloria. Our desire is to see biblically-grounded, Christ-exalting reformation and transformation in the church today.
Welcome to the Credo Podcast where doctrine matters. Eavesdrop on conversations between Matthew Barrett and top theologians about the most pressing and important theological issues today.
Is “Catholic Protestant” an oxymoron? What does Protestantism have to offer to a generation of Christians hungry for tradition and warm-hearted catholicity? In this episode, Sam Parkison interviews Wyatt Graham,… Download Audio