Christian, Traditional, Masculine

PCA Segregation, Samford U's DEI, SBC Abuse Nothing Burger, MacArthur's Last Lap, Lawson Repentance

Gatekeeping, Cancel Culture and Neotr

Communal Violence in Early America Through the Present

Old School Community Justice

The Spirit of Community During Crisis

Finding Meaning in a Plastic World

Time for a Positive Vision!

The American Churchman: A Conquering King

Don't be an Idealogue

Welcome to the Longhouse

Deracination, Q & A on Woman's Roles

The Right Wing and a Woman's Role

It's out!

Opportunities to End Abortion

Why Are Pro-Life Organizations Silent on IVF?

It's ALREADY Illegal to ship abortifacients?

How Technology is Changing Abortion Access

Trump's 2 Month Report Card

How I Found Assurance of Salvation

Reducing Static in the Natural Law Debate

Happy Lord's Day: Enjoy Thomas Cole's Catskill Paintings Brought to Life

Why is America So Divided?

God uses the faithful, despite some bad theology

Writing Driving Down a Mountain Road

Why I Don't Read John Piper Anymore

Can Empathy be a Sin?

Al Moher the Chameleon

I was thankful, so I wrote this song

PCA Wokeness and SBC Brokeness

History and Ideology