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The Holiness of God – Dr Steve Lawson

To many people today, holiness is a foreign concept. For the authors of Scripture, however, holiness is one of God’s most prominent attributes. It denotes both His separation from creation as the infinitely superior One and His absolute moral purity. In this lesson, Dr. Lawson explains what it means to affirm that God is holy, and how an understanding of this truth affects how we approach the living God and live before Him in humble reverence.

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Martyn Lloyd-Jones a Sermon on Ephesians 1:17

The Christians Knowledge of God – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

A Sermon on Ephesians 1:17 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, (ESV)

Describe your knowledge of God. Where do you begin? Do you begin with propositional or theoretical knowledge? While propositional knowledge of God is good and necessary for the Christian life, there is another knowledge which is just as important. As a matter of fact, it is a knowledge which the apostle Paul prays for in Ephesians. It is the kind of knowledge which is immediate. It is a personal knowledge of God the Father. It is an intimate knowledge. Such knowledge is at the heart of the evangelical message. We can have personal fellowship with God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. In the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts so that we can have direct knowledge of the love of God and the glory of God. In this message, Dr. Lloyd-Jones follows Paul’s prayer for ordinary Christians to have this exact and experiential knowledge of the true and living God. Listen to this passionate appeal to know Him!

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