Christian, Traditional, Masculine

Deracination, Q & A on Woman's Roles

The Right Wing and a Woman's Role

It's out!

Opportunities to End Abortion

Why Are Pro-Life Organizations Silent on IVF?

It's ALREADY Illegal to ship abortifacients?

How Technology is Changing Abortion Access

Trump's 2 Month Report Card

How I Found Assurance of Salvation

Reducing Static in the Natural Law Debate

Happy Lord's Day: Enjoy Thomas Cole's Catskill Paintings Brought to Life

Why is America So Divided?

God uses the faithful, despite some bad theology

Writing Driving Down a Mountain Road

Why I Don't Read John Piper Anymore

Can Empathy be a Sin?

Al Moher the Chameleon

I was thankful, so I wrote this song

PCA Wokeness and SBC Brokeness

History and Ideology

A tribute to my grandfather

I Wrote This Song While in a Long Distance Relationship

Big Eva Doesn't Want Gravy Train to End

Influence of Funds on Ideology: The Nazarenes

Listen to Pre Release of Against the Waves

Good resource

A Worship Song I Wrote

TGC Doubles Down on David Platt

Bible Bred: A Song for Christians Who Love Hymns

What constitutes “compromise” on abortion?