Philippians 1:7 – Theology. Apologetics. Dad jokes. Pastoral wisdom. Ecclesiology. Not necessarily in that order. With Russell Berger & Sean DeMars

Three Views On The Relationship Between Christ's Kingdom And Our Culture

Are Christians Sinning If They Don't Sing In Church?

Neurodiversity is Just Identity Politics

How Should Christians Think About Neurodiversity? | LIVE Call In

What Theonomy Gets Wrong (Part 2)

The Bible and IVF | LIVE Call In | AL State Rep Terri Collins

Defend and Confirm Podcast Live Stream

what's wrong with theonomy? See our full episode for the answer. #theonomy #reformedtheology

what's wrong with theonomy? check out our latest episode. #theonomy #reformedtheology #christian

What Theonomy Gets Wrong: Biblical Justice

Theology of Church and State

Government is a gift from God?

Biblical Theology of the State

Shots fired!

Room for Nuance Podcast

Room for Nuance

Health, Wealth, and the (Real) Gospel | A book by Sean DeMars & Mike McKinley

Episode 67: Friendly fire: The Dangers of Being on the Right Side of the Social Justice Controversy

Episode 66: A Little Help From Our Friends: Brooks Buser on Multiplying Movements

Is The Gospel Offensive?

Episode 65: Should The Gospel Offend Muslims?

Episode 64: Are Church Planting Movements Actually Planting Churches?

Faith & Obedience

Episode 63: Obedience-Based Discipleship: Is it Biblical?

Episode 62: What Caused the Sexual Revolution? Ft. Carl Trueman

Episode 61: Person of Peace: Is it Biblical?

Episode 60: Did We Get Church Planting Movements Wrong?

Episode 59: The History of Church Planting Movements (Part 2)

Episode 58: The History of Church Planting Movements (Part 1)

Defend and Confirm Q & A: Shepherding a Large Church