Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches. We believe that the biblical faith is inherently doctrinal, and we are therefore confessional in our convictions. We recognize the time-tested Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) as a faithful summary of important biblical teachings and the abstract of that confession known as the Abstract of Principles. Website:

Can Divinity Be "Laid Aside"? #shorts

TS&TT: God in Three Persons: From Nicea to Now

10,000 Churches have Disengaged #shorts

Our Great Commission Partnership Runs on Trust #shorts

Southern Baptists Deserve Answers #shorts

This is Where our Society is Going #shorts

Show up and Vote #shorts

TS&TT: SBC Financial Transparency: How do We Restore Trust in our Institutions?

What it Means to be a Trustee #shorts

Trust the Trustees #shorts

Forgiveness for Ministry Leaders #shorts

Generous with Other People's Money? #shorts

Should Christians Support DOGE? #shorts

TS&TT: Fiscal Transparency: What Hath DOGE to do with Your Congregation

The Mercies of the Wicked are Cruel #shorts

Choosing a Path that Honors God #shorts

Breaking Immigration Law is Sin #shorts

It's not Fascism, It's Lawfulness #shorts

The Messiness of Illegal Immigration #shorts

TS&TT: Immigration: Honoring God by Obeying His Law

Experiencing a Healthy Church #shorts

Courage is Essential #shorts

Conviction Without Wisdom #shorts

A Few Good Men #shorts

TS&TT: Founders Seminary: Sharp Minds. Warm Hearts. Steel Spines.

More Blessed to Give than to Receive #shorts

Lordship of Christ Over Our Money #shorts

John Wesley's Simple Ethics of Finances #shorts

Health Wealth Gospel Preachers Are an Abomination #shorts

Giving is Not God's way of Raising Money #shorts