From the Heart of Spurgeon with Jeremy Walker. We are on a journey working through the sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Join our conversation as we discuss the sermons, week by week, to see the truth he preached about Jesus Christ and Him crucified come from Spurgeon’s heart to ours.
We are on a journey to work through the sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, reading one per day.
Join our conversation as we discuss the sermons, week by week, to see the truth he preached about Jesus Christ and Him crucified come from Spurgeon’s heart to ours.
This delightful sermon blends the twin beauties of prayer and praise from Philippians 4:6—“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” After an extended introduction which suggests that the preacher’s soul it fully taken up with his topic, Spurgeon first underscores the reasons why Christians should mingle thanksgiving with prayer, urging us to “illuminate your prayers; light them up with rays of thanksgiving all the way through,” so that even if grief and sorrow are the burden of the prayer, it has at least some sparkles of gratitude. Then he turns the same thought in another direction, showing the evil of the absence of thanksgiving in our prayers, showing just how selfish and wilful that ungrateful pleader is. Finally, Spurgeon suggests that, according to the context, peace is the result of mingling thanksgiving with our prayers, together with warmth of soul and expectant hope. The sermon as a whole is not just an incentive to pray, but an incentive to a certain kind of praying, prayer in which pleading and praising are woven together, in which our intercessions are given a sweet aroma by being perfumed with thanksgiving to the God of all mercies. I hope it is as stirring to you as it seems it was to Spurgeon as he preached it.
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