Welcome to the G220 Ministries YouTube channel, our desire is to make Christ known through public evangelistic ministry, point people to biblically sound local churches, and teach sound Reformed Theology.
Battle Of Beliefs: Christian Vs Non-christian Views On Evolution, Morality, And Truth
Christians Vs. Jehovah's Witnesses – The Born Again Debate – Street Evangelism
Angry College Student Threatens Me Before I Even Said A Word to Her
Breaking Down Repentance & Faith: A Candid Chat With A Coptic Orthodox College Student
Is The Gospel Message Catholic Or Christian? Find Out Here!
The Heart of Christmas: A Journey through The Christmas Story // Ep# 638
Sahee's Unique Perspective On Religion: Why He Sees Things Differently
How to Deal with Self Righteousness and Hatred for Rebuke
How to Foster Healthy Conversations with Different Perspectives
False Teachers Exposed The Truth Behind their Hypocrisy and Misleading Ministry
Discover the Power of Descriptive and Prescriptive Texts
Christian Student Stops by to Encourage and Pray for Fruitful Evangelism
Cult Leaders and Manipulation of Scripture | Recognizing the Twisted Teachings
Commitment and Community in the Church | Why Sticking to a Local Congregation Matters
Beware of Hypocrisy! Unmasking the Flip Flopping Truth Tellers
Your Mom Should Have Aborted You
Trying to Give a Gospel Tract to #jehovahswitnesses at #ClevelandStateUniversity
Beware of False Teachers | Spotting Deceptive Biblical Hooks
Environmental Science Professor Claims Trees Are Non-Human Living Persons
Finding Peace | Trusting in God Amidst Chaos
Jehovah Witnesses: What Do They Believe? // Ep# 629
Delighting in God's Creation | Power and Sovereignty
The Council of Trent on Justification // Ep# 628 w/guest Steve Christie
Can we have a healthy and honest conversation about #womensrights ?
Heaven on Earth | Worshiping Together in God's Presence
Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Avoid Challenging Conversations?
Christ the Word Made Flesh (Short Preaching Clip from Cleveland State University)
How Should Christians Vote? // Ep# 626
The Importance of Church History // Ep# 625
Delight Yourself in the Lord // Ep# 624