The broadcast regularly features interviews with leading thinkers, “on the street interviews,” that help show popular convictions among either Christian or non-Christian groups, and frequent interaction with quotes from movies or music lyrics that help us analyze American culture. People from all over the world listen to the White Horse Inn on our website, their favorite podcast app, or on nearly fifty radio outlets nationwide.
Do all paths lead to God? Is the Bible history or mythology? Are we saved by grace or good works? Featuring conversations with Christians from a variety traditions, this program is designed to give you a better understanding of what you believe and why you believe it.
Hosts Michael Horton and Adam Smith travel to Nairobi, Kenya, for Sola Media’s annual Theo Global Symposium. While there, they met with local pastors Ken Mbugua and Joshua Lemaiyan from Emmanuel Baptist Church.
In this discussion, the hosts and guests explore the unique challenges and commonalities of pastoring in Nairobi and America and delve into the need to integrate theology and worship in order to build solid foundations in the local church.
Ken Mbugua is the managing director of Ekklesia Afrika and Joshua Lamaiyan is a lecturer at the Nairobi Institute of Reformed Theology.
BOOKLET – What Is God’s Will For Me
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Featuring: Michael Horton, Adam Smith, Ken Mbugua, Joshua Lemaiyan