1497 Incunabula Jerome Leaf Letters Epistole de San Hieronimo Vulgare RARE


RARE 1497 Incunabula Jerome Leaf
Printed in Venice by Lorenzo de Rossi da Valenza in 1497.

A very nice example of a very rare and important incunabula printing.
Approx. 8 3/8 inches x approx. 11 7/8 inches.
See all scans for condition.

Author: Saint Jerome
Published by Lorenzo de Rossi da Valenza (Italian, Ferrara, 15th century)
Published in: Ferrara, Italy
Date: 1497

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1497 Incunabula JeromeRARE 1497 Incunabula Jerome original leaf from the rare Epistole de San Hieronimo Vulgare printed by Laurentius de Rubeis in Ferrara October 12, 1497. Roman type, 47 lines in two columns, printed in Italian.

From one of the most celebrated illustrated Italian books of the fifteenth century. This and the De claris mulieribus by Jacobus de Bergamo of the same year are considered the masterpieces of Ferrarese book illustration. It is also the only illustrated incunabula edition of St. Jerome’s Epistolae, and the first edition in Italian.

RARE 1497 Incunabula Jerome Leaf
Printed in Venice by Lorenzo de Rossi da Valenza in 1497.

A very nice example of a very rare and important incunabula printing.
Approx. 8 3/8 inches x approx. 11 7/8 inches.
See all scans for condition.

Author: Saint Jerome
Published by Lorenzo de Rossi da Valenza (Italian, Ferrara, 15th century)
Published in: Ferrara, Italy
Date: 1497

Saint Jerome was born at Stridon, a village near Emona on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia. He is best known for his translation of most of the Bible into Latin (the translation that became known as the Vulgate) and his commentaries on the whole Bible. Jerome attempted to create a translation of the Old Testament based on a Hebrew version, rather than the Septuagint, as Latin Bible translations used to be performed before him. His list of writings is extensive, and beside his Biblical works, he wrote polemical and historical essays, always from a theologian’s perspective.

1497 Incunabula Incunable Incunabulum