1742 NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE Oxford Printed by JOHN BASKETT Clasps


[BIBLE – N.T., English]
The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ..
Oxford. Printed by John Baskett, 1742.
8vo. Unpaginated. Contemporary blind-tooled sheep, metal clasps. Rubbed and marked, joints split, clasps perished. Without pastedowns, margins of final gathering chipped and browned.

Cf. ESTC N472676.

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1742 NT

[BIBLE – N.T., English]
The New Testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ..
Oxofrd. Printed by John Baskett, 1742.
8vo. Unpaginated. Contemporary blind-tooled sheep, metal clasps. Rubbed and marked, joints split, clasps perished. Without pastedowns, margins of final gathering chipped and browned.

Cf. ESTC N472676.