The Formula of Concord is a Lutheran confession of faith that was written in 1577. It was a response to divisions within the Lutheran Church and aimed to unify Lutheran beliefs and practices. In this webpage, we will explore the history and significance of The Formula of Concord and how it has influenced the Lutheran Church.

The Lutheran Church was formed during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. It faced many challenges, including divisions within the Church over matters of doctrine and practice. The Formula of Concord was written to address these issues and to provide a unified statement of faith for the Lutheran Church.
The Formula of Concord is a document that affirms the Lutheran belief in the authority of the Bible as the sole source of Christian doctrine. It also clarifies the Lutheran position on several key theological issues, including predestination, the sacraments, and the relationship between the divine and human natures of Christ. The Formula of Concord emphasizes the importance of unity within the Church and the need to resolve theological disputes through biblical study and prayer.
Key Points:
- The Formula of Concord was written in 1577 to address divisions within the Lutheran Church.
- It affirms the Lutheran belief in the authority of the Bible as the sole source of Christian doctrine.
- The document clarifies the Lutheran position on several key theological issues, including predestination, the sacraments, and the relationship between the divine and human natures of Christ.
- The Formula of Concord emphasizes the importance of unity within the Church and the need to resolve theological disputes through biblical study and prayer.
The Formula of Concord is an important document in the history of the Lutheran Church. It helped to unify the Church and clarify its beliefs and practices. The document emphasizes the importance of the authority of the Bible and the need for unity within the Church. The Formula of Concord continues to be an important confession of faith for the Lutheran Church and for those interested in the history of Christianity. It reminds us of the importance of seeking unity and understanding within the Church and of relying on the authority of the Bible in our study and interpretation of Christian doctrine.