The Pactum is shorthand for the Latin Pactum Salutis. The Pactum Salutis is the trinitarian covenant made before the foundation of the world spoken of in texts such as Ephesians 1 and John 17. It is also known as the covenant of redemption. According to the pactum salutis, the triune God who works all things after the counsel of His will commits to save elect sinners. Since the pactum salutis is the basis for all of God’s work in human history, we find The Pactum a fitting banner for our conversations of all things theological.

Theological Discussion for Christ’s Church
The Pactum is shorthand for the Latin Pactum Salutis. The Pactum Salutis is the trinitarian covenant made before the foundation of the world spoken of in texts such as Ephesians 1 and John 17. It is also known as the covenant of redemption. According to the pactum salutis, the triune God who works all things after the counsel of His will commits to save elect sinners. Since the pactum salutis is the basis for all of God’s work in human history, we find The Pactum a fitting banner for our conversations of all things theological.
In this episode, Pat and Mike discuss five questions about Eastern Orthodoxy.
1. What is Orthodoxy? 2. Why care about Eastern Orthodoxy? 3. What are some of the major distinctions, and how do they differ from the Bible? 4. What is the appeal? 5. How should we respond?