Two-Age Sojourner is hosted by Michael Beck, the pastor of Gracenet Community Church, Wellington, New Zealand. Mike has his PhD from the South African Theological Seminary (his dissertation was on Meridith Kline and the Reformed Two Kingdom doctrine). Each week (well, most weeks), Mike is joined on his pilgrimage by three co-hosts. André Beck (yes, he’s Mike’s brother), is pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church in Felixstowe, UK. Nick Clevely is pastor of Covenant Grace Baptist Church in Timaru, New Zealand.

Podding with Pascal Denault

Keeping the Blade of Missions Sharp

The Mission and Mandate Conference

Problems with Postmillennialism

A Brief Hermeneutical Foray

Q and A Catchup

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 13: The Final Analysis

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 12: Biblical Theological Examination of the Cultural Mandate

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 11: Neo-Calvinist Response to Kline

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 10: Perspectivalist Response to Kline

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 9: Theonomy’s Response to Kline

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 8: Kline and Dooyeweerdianism

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 7: Kline and Perspectivalism

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 6: Kline and Theonomy

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 5: The Covenant of Grace

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 4: The Noahic Covenant

2024 Kickoff and Catchup

Neo-Calvinism, with Lee Irons

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 3: Why Kline's Thought Matters

Pastoring, Parenting and the Power of the Gospel—with Mike and Luke Abendroth

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 2: Initial Thoughts

Catch Ups, Conferences, and Two Kingdom Controversies

Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary, Part 1: Talking Two Kingdoms with Lee Irons

Covenant Theology with Pat Abendroth

The Issue of Rewards in Heaven (with T. Jeff Taylor)

Nick's Peregrinations and our Next Podcast Project

Honest and Nuanced Dogmatics

Christianity and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Tim Keller

Biblical Eschatology with Dr Jeon — Part 2