Westminster Theological Seminary – Westminster’s commitment is to provide profound preparation that seeks to be worthy of the profound call of serving Christ and for a new generation of the global church. We are now offering our trademark excellence packaged in new ways. Visit our new website to learn more. wts.edu
It's shaped my heart as much as my mind | Westminster MDiv Student, Daniel Kabakjian
Should you go to seminary if you don't NEED to be ORDAINED?
Class Notes You’ll ACTUALLY Use in Ministry | Seminary Training at Westminster
Westminster Was Training Me Before I Started Seminary | Shaping Generations of Biblical Specialists
5 Things to Consider When CHOOSING a SEMINARY
"The horrors went out the door immediately" | MDiv Student at Westminster – Zachary Currie
Westminster PREPARES you for conversations that CHALLENGE Christianity | Luke Humphrey, MDiv Student
What Westminster DEMANDS of YOU | Samuel Chang, MDiv Student
What's the Difference between Roman Catholicism and Reformed Theology?
From Radical Secular Background to Seminary | Westminster MDiv Student
His TUITION was 100% COVERED- and YOURS can be too | Westminster's Residential Student Scholarship
5 Signs YOU Should Consider Attending SEMINARY
Generosity Made Seminary Possible Without LOANS | 100% Scholarship at Westminster
This was a HUGE financial relief | 100% Scholarship at Westminster
You can't SHORTCUT learning | Seminary training must be THOROUGH
How does someone "DIRT POOR" attend seminary without DEBT? | Westminster's 100% Scholarship
Anthropology and Revelation: "He Has Shown You Oh Man" – Micah 6:8 – Dr. Peter A. Lillback
FIDELITY – Westminster's Legacy | Training Specialists in the Whole Counsel of God
What can I DO with an MDiv? What JOBS does a Master of Divinity prepare me for?
100% Scholarships Change Lives | Westminster Students Share Impact of Donor Giving
Chapel – Dr. Steve Carter
Which THEOLOGY degree is right for me? | Master of Theology vs Master of Arts in Theological Studies
Christianity With(out) Christ – Esther 10:1-3 – Dr. Mark Garcia
God as He was in the Beginning, is Now, and Forever Will Be – Dr. Jonny Gibson
Q&A Panel with Chaplains and Testimony by Chaplain Col. Bob Nay
Send in the Sub – 2 Corinthians 5:21 – Rev. Dr. Col. Pete Sniffin
Broekhuizen Chair of Pastoral Theology Inauguration
Beyond Anti-Foundationalism: Scripture as Principium of Theology | Dr. Henk van den Belt Lecture
A Tale of Two Daughters – Mark 5:21-43 – Dr. David Filson
"The believers then died for a lot less" | Master of Divinity, Westminster Theological Seminary