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Papyrus 52 A Fragment of John’s Gospel in Greek

John 18:31-33

John 18:37-38

Recto: John 18:31-33. P. Ryl. Gk. 457. Fragment of a leaf of a papyrus codex, 8.9 x 5.8 cm.; text 6.4 x 6 cm.; upper margin and part of inner margin preserved. Written in dark ink on papyrus light in colour and of good quality. On verso a κολλημα * or perhaps part of a strengthening strip to cover the fold of the sheet. First half of the second century.
Verso: John 18:37-38. P. Ryl. Gk. 457. Fragment of a leaf of a papyrus codex, 8.9 x 5.8 cm.; text 6.4 x 6 cm.; upper margin and part of inner margin preserved. Written in dark ink on papyrus light in colour and of good quality. On verso a κολλημα * or perhaps part of a strengthening strip to cover the fold of the sheet. First half of the second century.

* κολλημα: a place in a papyrus manuscript in which an additional strip of papyrus has been added so as to join together another page or sheet.

James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Audio sermon on The Significance of P52 by James White

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